
If you are afraid of something or you are not sure
but you want to go further
do not worry, do not be afraid,
I am here, I am watching and listening to you.
To open the door, you need the warm eyes
of each other and the courage for your body.

Hisako Horikawa

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Agradecimientos - Thanks to

Gracias al Aula de Danza de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid por la cesión del aula de danza de Leganés y por su apoyo incondicional.

Gracias a Carlos de Gredos por su entusiasmo y su apoyo para realizar el taller en el Centro de Arte y Naturaleza Cerro Gallinero de Hoyocasero, Ávila.

Fotografía: Antonio Navascués

Gracias a la pintora Lucie Geffré por el boceto de Hisako bailando que acompaña la publicidad del taller.

Gracias a mi madre Emma Aguirre por acoger tan amorosamente a Hisako en su casa.


Thanks to the dance department at University Carlos III in Madrid for lending the dance space in Leganés and supporting me unconditionally.

Thanks to Carlos de Gredos for his willingness and his support to make the workshop at the Art and Nature Center Cerro Gallinero in Hoyocasero, Ávila.

Thanks to the painter Lucie Geffré for her drawing of Hisako dancing that encloses the publicity of the workshop.

Thanks to my mother Emma Aguirre for receiving Hisako so warmly at her home.

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